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Germination Pledge

I take complaints very seriously. I welcome all feedback - good or bad. If there is a problem, I most certainly need to know. I pass the same germination guarantees that my breeder friends give me, onto you. In short: if there is a problem with the seeds, within reason, I will make good.


The industry standard is a 90% germ guarantee. Seeds are living organism, there is always the chance of that 1 seed failing. No one’s perfect, there is a risk of grower error too. No, I’m not pointing fingers - I’m just saying. Best advice: always buy 10% more seeds to cover for any losses.


  • The seeds were bought from me here at Smiley Seeds.
  • You have 60 days from date of purchase to let me know
  • You must have germinated all the seeds from the same order
  • You need to have followed one of my recommended gemination techniques/guides.

What to do

  • If you have problem, get me here asap
  • I need an order number
  • How many of which strain/s failed to germinate
  • Any supporting photos &/ videos are most welcome


  • No refunds, I will credit your account
  • Account credits excludes shipping costs

Germination Technique

Seed Storage

Store your Smiley Seeds packs in a "Tupperware" like container in a cool dark cupboard or fridge. Avoid heat, moisture and light.

Paper Towel Germination

The paper towel technique is my tried and tested keep it simple stupid go to germination method for nubes. No offence intended. Let’s get to it.

Paper towels provide an excellent pathogen-free sterile medium for germinating seeds. Add a clean sterile Ziplock bag into the mix and you have an ideal easy to control environment for successful germination. The Ziplock bag acts like a miniature greenhouse that retains the heat and moisture. You will see the seeds sprouting anywhere between three and ten days.

What you need

  • New clear Ziplock bag/s, sandwich size or bigger
  • Clean purified water, store bought water is probably eaiest
  • New paper towel roll


  1. Find a clean sterile place to work
  2. Tear a paper towel in half and moisten one of the halves
  3. Place seeds on half of the paper towel and fold the other half over the seeds
  4. Blow open a the Ziplock bag
  5. Carefully place the paper towel with the seeds inside the bag and close it
  6. Put the bag in a safe warm environment
  7. Maintain temps between 21-25 degrees
  8. Make sure to keep the paper towl moist
  9. Keep an eye on them, checking atleast once a day

*NB Note: If you are germinating more than one strain at the same time it is advisable to do each one in its own labelled Ziplock bag.

No No’s

  • Don’t over moisten the seeds as they will rot off
  • Don’t leave them out in the hot hot sun they they will dry out 

My Seeds Have Sprouted Now What?

Perfect! Happy days. That’s my job done.

Sprouted seeds will need transplanting to an ideal moisture-holding medium such as vermiculite, coco, or soil. Newly germinated seeds are delicate and need to be handled with care.

Yes Yes

  • Go gentle always
  • Use tweezers on the seed body or the newly formed feeder leaves, cotyledons.
  • Make a hole in the medium big enough to cover the entire root
  • Keep the feeder leaves above the soil
  • Hold the seed in place moving the medium around it to prop it up

 No No’s

  • The main root is very delicate and should not be touched
  • Do not break the tap root, if you do its game over you've killed it
  • Do not force, push the seeds into the medium

That’s A Wrap

Oh, make sure to keep the area moist around the plant but do not over water. Watch out for the pesties, they love baby plants to munch on. Snails, birds, squirrels, wormys, caterpillars and… you have been warmed.